Ten-year-old Carla talks in Sassarese language about her ambitions for the future: to become a dancer or a doctor, get married and have a daughter.
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Ecco la trascrizione completa del video:
CARLA: «My name is Carla and I’m 10 years old.
I learned Sassarese language because my mother, since I was a baby always used it with me. As a grown up, I see myself dancing, because I am a ballerina. I also imagine myself as a doctor, because I want to discover a medicine that could heal eveyone.
With my friends, I always talk about what we want to be when I grow up. I imagine myself married and with a daughter. Then, if it’s a boy, I will make my mom happy. Basically, a family like mine: myself, mom and dad.»
CARLA: «Eu soggu Carla e v’aggiu dezz’anni.
Aggiu imparaddu lu sassaresu acchì mamma, da candu soggu minori, mi l’ha sempri fabiddaddu.
Eu m’immaggineggiu da manna baddendi, acchì fozzu la baddarina. E m’immaggineggiu puru dottoressa, acchì vogliu invintà una medizzina pa sanà tutta la genti.
Eu, cu l’amigghi mei,fabeddu sempri di cumenti abaremmu assè da manni. Eu m’immaggineggiu cuiubadda e cu una figliora: poi, se è masciu, fozzu cuntenta a mamma.
Pa cumprindizzi, una famiria cumenti ghissa chi aggiu abà: eu, mamma e babbu.»
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