Costantina recounts that she and her partner did not have children not because they lacked the will, but because of the fear – also due to a difficult past – that she would not be able to give them as much as they wanted.
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Ecco la trascrizione completa del video:
COSTANTINA: «My name is Costantina, I’m forty-six, as a child I did not have a very beautiful childhood, I was in an orphanage. I’ve been in a relationship with a guy for eighteen years.
We have no children but not because we didn’t want them but because… maybe we thought we couldn’t give them what we wanted to give.
Having maybe a different past, he and I decided not to have children. But every now and then I think about it because… being a parent, it has to be something… a responsibility and a pretty good thing.
But it means that we weren’t ready… maybe we didn’t trust ourselves, because we didn’t even have a steady job in the beginning.
You always try, having children, to give them some security.
And well… so… but we have grandchildren, so…
We play with other people’s children, you see that, whatever it is, nowadays, the education is not like it used to be and then you realize how today’s parents are more easygoing than parents in our time.
And so you think about it and you say, “My goodness, if I had a child” “My god, what a headache!” As so….»
Catalano algherese:
COSTANTINA: «M’avis Costantina, tenc quaranta-sis anys; de criatura no he tengut una infància assai bella, so estada en orfanotrofio* i so festejant amb un minyó de divuit anys i … així… no tenim fills ma no percosa… per diure… no los havem volguts ma bensí* percosa… magari pensaves de… magari… no donar-lis-hi allò que… magari… fores volgut donar tu no?…
tenint… magari… un passat divers… i quindi… havem decidit jo i ell de… magari… de no tendre fills.
Però cada tant… nel senso… lo pensament hi va sempre percosa…cioè* … ésser genitors… té de ésser una cosa… cioè… …una responsabilitat i una cosa a bastança bella. Però… vol diure que no érem… magari prompts mosaltros… magari… no mos sem fiats… magari… perco’ no tenívem nemanco a l’escomenç treball fix o qui cosa…quindi* cerques sempre de, tenint fills , cerques sempre… magari… de donar-lis-hi un calqui cosa de seguresa e niente…e quindi…però tenim nebots, mos juguem los fills dels altros. Veus… comunque* sigui com… magari… l’educació de ara no és com aquella de primer e quindi te n’abiges… magari… com són més… los genitors de avui… més a la mà de com eren… magari… amb mosaltros i quindi*… fas un pensament i dius: “mama mia si fóra tengut un fill…”, “Déu meu, los cabells drets…”i quindi*…»
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