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Francesca recounts in Tabarchino language the experience that led her and her partner to start a journey in Spain to have a child. However, family and work reasons did not allow them to fulfill their dream.

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Ecco la trascrizione completa del video:

FRANCESCA: «Good evening, my name is Francesca, I’m from Carloforte and I’m 46 years old. I’ve never been married in my life and I haven’t had any children. The reason was that I’ve always had girlfriends and not the boyfriends and therefore inevitably of course you can see why I didn’t have children.
I have been happily with my partner for 13 years, we live together and in last few years we had the desire to have a baby and therefore to be able to have a have a family, let’s say…
Well, what is the problem? For us single women or in any case homosexual women in Italy it is not allowed to do artificial insemination and it is not allowed to have children, therefore we have been forced to leave and go to Spain. That was about three or four years ago. We did all the tests and everything was fine, in the sense that I could still go do assisted reproduction. So, we went, we did all the tests and all that, but unfortunately when we were there, my mother fell sick in a very serious way and we had to come back right away. Obviously my mother’s illness was so severe that I didn’t feel like it anymore to take hormones… and do everything that was necessary to have a baby.
It’s been three years, in the meantime I also have a restaurant which takes up a lot of time and work and so in a nutshell I wasn’t able, let’s say, to crown the dream that my partner and I had. Now, we might as well try again but to be honest, in hindsight, since I’m not that young any more I don’t really feel to have a child at 46 but not for me, I would feel bad for the baby. If I had a baby, I would be already quite old to raise him, especially because I’m afraid that one day, if anything would happen, this child would be left alone because both my partner and myself are an only child.
Would I say that we miss a child? Well, yes, on the one hand I miss it because I was definitely curious to see what it would be like, what character it would have had and how me and my partner would be as moms. Then when I think about it, to be honest, probably I didn’t have them because it was written that I shouldn’t have it. So nothing… that’s how it went. But, truth be told, right now I don’t miss it, all I’m missing is the fact that there’s no continuity in life, that’s what I’m missing a little bit but not the child in itself. Then… nothing else, this is my story.»

Italiano tabarchino:

FRANCESCA: «Buñasàia. Me ciàmmu Francesca, sun du Pàize (Carlufórte) e ho quarantaséi anni. Nu me sun mòi mâiò inta vitta e nu ho avüu de figiö. U mutivu u l’è stetu perchè inta vitta ho delungu avüu de cumpagne e nu di cumpagni e, quindi, pe fórsa de càuza maggiore, oviamente, s’acapisce perché nu ho de figiö.
Da trézz’anni sun felicemente insémme â mé cumpagna, vivémmu insémme e, inti ürtimi anni, n’è vegnüu u dexidéu de fò in figiö e quindi de puài avài ‘na famiggia cumpléta, dimmu…
U prublemma què u l’è? Che pe niotre dónne singule o cumunque omosesuòli, in Italia nu l’è cunsentìu fò l’inseminazione artificiale e nu l’è cunsentìu fò di figiö. Pertantu sémmu stete ôblighè à partì e à anò in Spagna. Quéstu ciü o ménu trài o quattr’anni fa. Émmu fetu tütte e anàlizi e gh’éa tüttu à póstu, intu sensu che puàiva ancun, fò ‘na procreazione assistita, sulu che, sémmu anete, émmu fetu tütte e anàlizi e tüttu quantu, ma purtróppu, quand’ému là dedotu, s’è sentìu mò mé mamma in móddu inmüggiu grove e sémmu duvüe asbasciò sübetu. Oviamente a mautìa de mé mamma a l’è steta talmente grove che mi nu àiva ciü tésta de pigiò ormoni…fò tüttu quéllu che l’éa necesòiu pe avài in figiö, apuntu.
Sun pasè trài anni, intu fratempu g’ho anche in risturante ch’ u me pigge inmüggiu de tempu e travaggiu e quindi, in póche pàule, nu sun riuscìa –dimmu– a coronare u sönnu che àimu mi e a mé cumpagna. Àua puésse ascì pruvoghe. Però diggu a vâitè, cû sennu de pói, sun anche inmüggiu zà grande, de fò in figiö à quarantase’anni àua, nu miâ sentu, ma nu pe mi, nu miâ sentu pe lé: se u l’àise da nasce, mi sun zà inte ‘n’êtè che sun abastansa grande pe crésciau, suviatüttu perché ho puìa che in duman, cusciderandu che pö sucédde qualsìasi cósa, stu figiö u l’arestiè da sulu perché sun figgia ünica, sia mi che a mé cumpagna.
Póssu dì che in figiö u n’amanche? Alùa, scì, da ‘na porte u m’amanche perché, següamente, gh’àiva a cuîzitè de védde cumm’ u l’éa, che caràttere u l’àise avüu e anche mi e mé galante che mamme puàimu ésse stete. Pói, quande ghe pensu ben, diggu a vâitè, prubabilmente u fetu che nu n’ho avüu… perché l’éa segnàu che nu n’àiva d’avài. E quindi, ninte… sun arestò cuscì. Però, diggu a vâitè, àua cumme àua, u nu m’amanche, m’amanche sulu u fetu che nu g’ho cuntinuitè de vitta, quéstu u l’è quéllu che in po’ m’amanche, ma nu u figiö in sé. Poi…nint’otru…quésta a l’è a mé stória.»

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