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Maria Daniela recounts in Sassarese language the pain she shared with her sister: neither of them could have children. Today she has processed her pain and feels grateful for the loving people around her.

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Ecco la trascrizione completa del video:

MARIA DANIELA: «I’m Maria Daniela Carta, a theatrical performer and author.
Thank you for this opportunity, because it’s very strong for me. These are delicate matters, but now that I’m getting older I can look in the mirror and I can say it: truth, the real truth.
I got married very young, I was twenty-two, too young. But at that moment that was my will. My family wouldn’t want to, they opposed this decision, and they were right in a way. But I wanted to be free, to have a life of my own, to be independent, with a husband and at least two children, a boy and a girl. Of course I couldn’t imagine that things… would have gone differently. For a while I hesitated and it took a long time to heal, because they weren’t body aches, but of the heart. How can I say this? my life was marked, I was wounded, because the enemy was in my house. It wasn’t easy for me to move on with this idea of having a child, but I couldn’t tell the truth, to anyone.
Then I told someone, I took the courage. I told someone. It wasn’t that I couldn’t have kids, it was something else. But this is inside my heart. Excuse me, I’ve never said it this way what I think. My mother was trying in every way to… to push this moment away for me, because she said I had suffered too much to overcome it, and it was true, but I wanted a child. Of course, life is strange, because in my family we were two sisters, and neither of us had the luck, if we can say so, to have family and children. I don’t know if this is a punishment from heaven or a blessing. Who knows, maybe neither is right.
But I can say it wasn’t easy, neither for my sister. So, we would often talk about it, and we used to daydreaming, holding our children’s hands, but always with our eyes open, eh! I don’t know, that’s how it was supposed to be, maybe it was written that fate wanted it that way, that we couldn’t be mothers. It’s not by luck or anything, is not wealth: it’s human, that’s how it went.
Of course, sometimes they say that childfree women they’re like dead branches. For me it isn’t, for me women are trees who give love, because among these trees, among these branches, there are mouths waiting for love. I had love in other forms. Well, if I think when they told me ‘Don’t you have children? What are you waiting for?’, I felt terrible, because I couldn’t tell the truth, and then I’d see this evil giggle, and it bothered me, because people judge, and the whole world, in the end, seems to understand what’s in your heart. Then, a family without children is different, because they say the nest is empty. It’s not like this, it wasn’t like that for me, because I’ve always done so many things after I got used to the idea, I’ve had more time to do nice things, or not do anything, to go around, to travel. And even with my imagination, inventing worlds where I would hold my child’s hand. This thought made my sister and myself cry. And then life went on.
Certainly, in this society it’s hard to live, because women work all day, and then there’s no time, as for men, to have children. How do you do it? There is no help. Politicians make promises but few are kept. There is little security for those who want a family. And we have to keep that in mind, today, even after the pandemic that changed the system, that changed things. What I mean, as if you were my friend, is that when I look at myself I still like myself, even without children. Because I have a good job. Time passes and I get older, but I’m still here and so I don’t know if it was a blessing or a curse through no fault of ours, mine and my sister’s, that have been dumped on us. Let’s see it as it is. But that’s how life went! I don’t have children but… there are so many people around me who love me. And I love them. Excuse me.»


MARIA DANIELA: «Soggu Maria Daniela Carta, performer teatrali e autrice.
Dunca grazie pa chisthu mamentu, acchì pa me è assai forthi. So cosi diricadi chisthi, ma abà chi soggu inviccendi e m’abbaiddu a l’ippicciu lo possu di’: viridai, viridai avveru.
Mi soggu cuiubadda giovane, v’abìa vintidui anni, troppu giovane. Parò in chissu mamentu lu pensamentu meu, lu zaibeddu meu era chissu. La me famiria no abìa vuruddu, s’erani posthi di travessu, v’abiani puru rasgioni da una zertha parthi, parò eu vulìa assè libera, abè una vidda mea, assè indipindenti, cu un mariddu meu e con dui figliori, a lu mancu, masciu e femmina.
Zerthu no abìa immaginaddu chi dabboi li cosi so’ andaddi dibessamenti.
Pa un zerthu tempu aggiu esitaddu e zi n’è passaddu assai di tempu pa sanà, parchì no erani durori di lu còipu, ma di lu cori. Cumenti fozzu a divvilu, la vidda mea era signadda, mi sintìa firidda, acchì lu nemiggu vi l’abìa in casa.
No è isthaddu fazziri pa me andà avanti cun chissa cunvinzioni di abè un figlioru, ma no pudìa dì la viriddai, a nisciunu. A calchunu dabboi l’aggiu fattu, l’aggiu ditta, aggiu pigliaddu curaggiu (incomprensibile). No era chi no pudìa avè figliori, v’era un’althra cosa. Ma chistha isthazzi drentu lu cori meu.
Ischuseddimi, no aggiu mai dittu in chistha manera lu chi pensu. Mamma mea zirchava in tutti li maneri di alluntanà chissu mamentu pa me, acchì edda dizzia chi pa libarassi avìa sufferthu troppu,ed era veru, ma eu vulìa un figlioru.
Certhu, la vidda è isthrana, acchì in famiria erami dui sureddi, e nisciuna di li dui ha avuddu la furthuna, si cussì si ciama, d’avè una famiria e figliori. No lu soggu si ghistha è una punizioni di lu zeru o una binidizioni. Chissà, magari nisciuna di li dui cosi è giustha. Parò ti possu dì chi no è isthaddu fazziri.
Puru pa me suredda, tanti volthi zi capitava di fabiddanni,e tandu zi parìa di sugnà, a manu tenta cu li pizzinneddi, ma sempri cu l’occi aperthi, eh!
No lu soggu, magari duvìa andà cussì, ni una ni l’althra, magari era ischrittu chi lu desthinu duvìa cumandà in chisthu casu, chi no pudiani assè mammi, madri.
No è pa furthuna o pa althru, no è ricchezzia, è l’umanidai, è andadda cussì. Certhu, a volthi dizzini chi li femmini kena figliori so cumenti rami secchi. Pa me no è cussì, pa me li femmini so comunque aiburi, aiburi chi dazzini amori, acchì fra chisthi arburi, fra chisthi rami, vi so bocchi, chi aisettani amori.
Certhu candu pensu a chissu chi mi dizziani, “ma no ti ni fai figliori? Cosa sei aisittendi?”, mi sintìa mali, acchì no pudìa di la viridai, dabboi vidìa chissa risaredda malandrina, e mi dazzìa fasthidiu, acchì la genti giudica, e tuttu lu mondu a la fini, parì cumprindì lu chi tu hai drentu a lu cori. E dabboi una famiria kena figliori è dibessa. Dizzi chi la casa è bioda.
No è cussì, pa me no è isthaddu cussì, acchì aggiu sempri fattu un bè di cosi dabboi chi mi soggu abituadda a l’idea, aggiu avuddu più tempu pa fa cosi beddi, pa no fa nudda, pa girà, viaggià, o cu la fantasia anche, invintammi mondi in cui tinìa a manu tenta me figlioru. Cu me suredda chisthu era lu pinsamentu chi zi fazzia ischuppià in lacrime.
Dabboi la vidda è andadda avanti, zerthu in chistha suzzaidai è diffiziri vivì, acchì li femmini fazzini un trabagliu tutta la dì manna impignaddi, dabboi no v’è tempu, cumenti pa l’ommini, di fa figliori. Cumenti si fazzi? No vi so’ aggiuddi. Tanti janni di la politica so’ puru tancaddi, vi so’ tanti imprumissi e pochi garanzie. Pogga sicurezzia pa andà avanti, pa fa famiria.
E chisthu lu dubemmu puru pinsà, a lu mondu d’oggi, dabboi z’è postha puru la pandemia a ciambà lu sisthema e tuttu ha pigliaddu un althru vessu.
Chissu chi vogliu dì, cumenti amigga mea, candu mi figgiureggiu è chi mi piazzu puru di cussì, puru kena figliori. Acchì aggiu un beddu trabagliu, lu tempu è passendi, e soggu inviccendi, parò soggu inogghi e dunca no lu soggu si è isthadda una binidizioni o una maradizioni di cuipi no nosthri, mei e di me suredda, chi si so ischutti innantu a noi.
Pinsemmula cussì, cum’è. La vidda è andadda cussì: no v’aggiu figliori ma v’è tanta genti intorno a me, a fiancu a me e mi vo’ bè. Eu puru ni vogliu assai. Ischuseddi.»

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