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Performing Minerva Athena’s impossible monologue is the voice of Monica Trettel. Athena is one of the most important Greek divinities, corresponding to Minerva in Roman mythology. To Athena, goddess of wisdom, intelligence and military strategy, is dedicated the Parthenon, a famous monument in the acropolis of Athens. Her figure, endowed with prophetic and medical abilities, is inextricably linked to Greece for her role in the Iliad, in which she is Achilles‘ supporter and Odysseus’ helper in the Odyssey. Also in the Etruscan-Roman tradition, Minerva (referring to the Latin lemma ‘mens’, meaning mind) is a symbol of ingenuity and the arts, the protector of craftsmen.

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Ecco la trascrizione completa del video:

MINERVA ATENA: «I am Minerva, the daughter of Capitoline Jupiter. I am the Roman version of that daughter of Zeus, Athena, who gave birth to her from her head. Someone says that he generated her from his calf. Myth jokes.
We were born already grown up and armed. She, Pallas Athena, I, Minerva of Rome. We are goddesses of wisdom, knowledge, weapons and arts.
We have never known spouses or lovers, we are total virgins and we are proud of it. It follows that we did not have any children and, therefore, we are lunàdigas.
The owl is our magical and mythical symbol.
Myth is full of lunàdigas, just think about Diana, Daphne and the nymph Echo. However, I am a goddess: Minerva in the Roman Pantheon and Athena in the Greek Pantheon. The Pallas Athena to whom the entire Parthenon is dedicated. So that of all classical mythology we can recite the entire script.»

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