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The artist Giusy Calia tells us about her creative work and about what ispired her. In particular, she got her inspiration from the woman's figure and from deviant behaviours: thanks to her interest in total institutions such as women's asylums,…

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Five women tell us of their experience with motherhood and non-motherhood, debating regarding pregnancy, violene, contraception, and well you can know the other even when they are part of yourself. The discussion reveals also adifferent cultural approaches towards motherhood between…

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Surrounded by her works of art exhibited in the Galleria Mancaspazio in Cagliari, Josephine Sassu, a sardinian artist and teacher, tells us of the reasons and feelings that led her, since she was a young girl, to never seeing herself…

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The testimonies of the participants to the University of the Third Age recorded after the screening of the film "Lunàdigas", are a collection o personal stories and linguistic considerations around the terms used in the Sardinian language to indicate childless…

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In the setting of Carloforte, Lea Melandri, teacher, essayist, activist of the Italian women's movement, recounts in fragments her path of self-definition, from childhood to feminism, from reading and editing Sibilla Aleramo to psychoanalysis and the practice of experiential writing…

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Geraldina Colotti, journalist, writer and Red Brigades militant, tells of how her political commitment has been crucial in her choice of non-motherhood. Vuoi ascoltare e leggere altre testimonianze? Sostieni l’archivio vivo di Lunàdigas! GERALDINA: «My name is Geraldina Colotti, I…

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Lisetta tells us of the reasons behind her choice of non-motherhood, and of how having children represents for her a limit to what she cherishes most: freedom. Vuoi ascoltare e leggere altre testimonianze? Sostieni l’archivio vivo di Lunàdigas! LISETTA: «Giving…

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Fausta and Luisa, both nurses, tell us about their life as women without children for different causes and choices, but joined but the same uncertainty for the future. Vuoi ascoltare e leggere altre testimonianze? Sostieni l’archivio vivo di Lunàdigas! LUISA:…

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