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The unfortunate country that needs mothers

Claudia Mazzilli motivates her choice of "non-motherhood" by deconstructing the stereotype of patriarchal motherhood, thus offering us a precious opportunity to explore the values ​​of the mother in ancient matriarchal societies and in those still existing and marginalized or oppressed, as marginalized and diminished were the scholars who they shed light on these models of society, which have so much to teach the male chauvinist West.

News of March

We celebrate March, the month of women, with choral testimonies that Lunàdigas has collected over the years among different women's groups and associations.

News of February

In February, the Lunàdigas men will talk about their choice not to be fathers, which brings with it a whole series of reflections, some similar but some also profoundly different compared to women who do not choose motherhood.
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