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News Of December

News of December

Here we are in December with many fresh packages to unwrap under the tree – or under whatever you have decided to decorate your home with, or not!

The stories of Paola and Denise enrich the International Fund of our Live Archive.

Paola, from Ecuador, tells of the evolution of her political consciousness starting from her encounter with feminism. On the one hand, at an early age she made a personal choice of non-motherhood; on the other, as a “comadre”, she now dedicates part of her life to helping and accompanying other women who choose to have an abortion. She firmly defines her political stand oriented towards a change in Ecuadorian society, and the city of Cuenca in particular, which must take into account individual female subjectivities and sovereignty over one’s own body.

Denise, who has lived in Turkey for twenty-five years, addresses the issue of non-parenthood and tells us of the questions she usually gets about her decision not to have children.

A very special choral testimony of the Live Archive takes us into the world of Catholic nuns! Donata, Laura and Lorenza live in a monastic community in the Casentino area, founded on prayer and work, which gladly opens up to the outside world. And it opened its doors to Lunàdigas for a conversation where the three women willingly accepted to talk about motherhood (and more).

From the nuns to Dorothy Parker may sound like quite a stretch… but it’s not so farfetched! And here she comes to life through the voice of Tiziana Troja and the pen of Carlo A. Borghi in his Impossible Monologue (excerpt from the “Impossible Monologues. The exclusive revelations of 35 mythical Lunàdigas”, Arkadia editions, 2018).

A present to be unwrapped slowly also for prendo pArte!, our virtual gallery, where in January you will be able to admire the works of Marta Cavicchioni, artist and illustrator who we will present to you in the coming days on our social media (follow us carefully, every week two new works!); and, last but not least, a gift to be enjoyed immediately, filled with beauty: Claudia Mazzilli returns to bell hooks, with a review of “The will to change. Masculinity and love”, which you can find in the Stories section.

Happy holidays to all Lunàdigas, may it be a new year of free, conscious and… happy choices!

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