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An ever growing number of women choose not to have children.
Lunàdigas gives them voice, without any prejudice, revealing a world seldom explored.

divano monologhi

A collection of voices, faces, and lives of lunàdigas. An archive of full, uncut testimonies,  accessible to all and constantly updated and enriched, offering an ever growing space for sharing around the themes of motherhood and non-motherhood.

Lilith e Lola Elianda Cazzorla

Telling women’s stories to pull themselves out of the funnel of pain with a string of words.

Elianda Cazzorla, Lilith e Lola, Iacobelli, 2024 Review by Claudia Mazzilli Lilith, the archetypal and certainly challenging name of Adam's first wife. Lola, a pop and somewhat frivolous name: two mutually offsetting…

Sulle donne Susan Sontag

Susan Sontag, On Women

Una recensione di Claudia Mazzilli

Thousands of Lunàdigas are following the project on our social media channels, sharing their views on our Facebook group, a space to encourage knowledge and participation.




Our heartfelt thanks go to all the people who over the years have enthusiastically approached and supported Lunàdigas.

Erica Vitellozzi, Zenab Ataalla, Roberta Giulio, Francesca Nesler, Roberta Colangelo, Giorgia Marzapane, Chiara Olivucci, Valentina Repetto, Claudia Camerlingo, Giulia Po DeLisle, Laura Lazzari.

The feminist network Non una di meno; Villa 5 of Collegno; The Gender section of the Internacional Film Festival in Cuenca – Ecuador; Festival of Choufthounna – Tunis; The Time Bank in Istanbul.

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