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How to support the Lunàdigas project.

10,00 euro

1 film streaming
locandina con palmares PREMI E BASTA

20,00 euro

1 notebook + film streaming

taccuini lunadigas

25,00 euro

1 tote bag + film streaming

borse lunàdigas1 ok scaled

40,00 euro

Impossible monologues by Carlo A. Borghi (Arkadia Editore, 2018) + film

borghimonologhi lunàdigas ok scaled
All donations to an APS can benefit of a 30% tax credit based on the donation amount, or a deduction up to 10% of your gross income.
In order to benefit of tax credit or deductions the donations must be made through bank transfer. Please get in touch and we’ll send you our bank details.
Donate your 5x1.000
When you fill out your tax return, please donate your 5×1000 to Lunàdigas APS, indicating our Fiscal Code 92228740921
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