from the film to the archive: the story of an idea.
Selfish BayratIncomplete Ατεκνος Dead branchesBunchMules Lǎo chǎnʊ CarishinasDifferentSolteronas
Women who choose not to have children are subject to prejudice and stigma.
Lunàdigas is here to give them voice.
The authors and directors, Nicoletta Nesler e Marilisa Piga searched for a word that would break away from the negations of “childless women” and “non-mothers”.
Lunàdigas is a word that, with a touch of humour, affirms and confirms the existence and identity of those women who feel complete without giving birth to children, challenging stereotypes and clichés, without feeling guilty.
In the beginning was the web documentary, published online in 2015 after years of work, with the testimonies of well-known and unknown lunàdigas of all ages and origins. In 2016 this material turned into a film, which continues its journey in cinemas and film festivals, both in Italy and abroad, collecting acknowledgements and awards.
In 2019, the Live Archive is launched, a precious repository of testimonies and stories constantly in the works and in development, a space for sharing and a research observatory on reproductive issues in Italy and in the world.
In 2020, a group of professionals spontaneously joins the authors, sharing with them the need to keep the experience of exchanging views on reproductive choices and on the self-determination of our bodies always active. The Live Archive becomes an online, multilingual tool searchable by themes, geographies, words.
In 2024, the Live Archive opens up to the collection of testimonies spoken in native languages: Annotu is launched.
The very term “Lunàdigas” broaden its meaning, including all people who want to pursue a new awareness on reproductive issues beyond gender prejudices and stereotypes.
Lunàdigas is a community that dialogues, reasons, writes and acts on issues related to individual freedoms, bringing to light new narratives about parenthood and family models different from those traditionally acceptable or accepted.